Saturday, February 25, 2012

database refusing to update - timeout

hi...i have a table which has about 100 cols and about 13000
it has had problems updating...i kept getting timeout...i run queries from
ASP is not any larger than other tables that work
does however have several cols which are text datatype. if i was viewing
the table in EM the updates would fail...when i closed the table view it
usually there an explanation for this behaviour...
the whole db is about 250MB on backup but when restored it is about 700
including the transaction log...i thought the transaction log might be too has been set to grow as big as it there a way to get the
db to update everything into the db files thus reducing the log to
nothing?...this probably sounds ignorant to the experts out there, i am a
developer who is also becoming a reluctant dba...
thanks for any advice offered
gdpThe update needs to take an exclusive lock which it won't
get if there are other locks including shared locks - see
books online topics Understanding Locking in SQL Server and
Lock compatability.
A backup file and the data files are two different
structures so there will be size differences. In terms of
shrinking the log file size to almost nothing, the log will
then need to grow to log subsequent transactions.
Consequently, you would be wasting resources by shrinking,
then having the log grow, then shrinking. It's best to leave
the log at the size it needs to grow to between backups so
that you aren't wasting resources. If the log file sizes is
excessive and you need to shrink it down a bit, you can use
dbcc shrinkfile. You can find more information on this in
the following article:
INF: Shrinking the Transaction Log in SQL Server 2000 with
You can keep the log at a reasonable size by performing
regular log backups. The backups will truncate the log. But
truncating a log file does not reduce it's physical size.
Truncation marks the parts of the log no longer needed for
recovery as inactive, allowing these parts of the log to be
reused for new transactions. To physically reduce the size
of the log, you need to use dbcc shrinkfile. But as I
already said, shrinking, growing, shrinking, growing isn't a
good use of SQL Server resources.
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 21:07:37 -0000, "gdp"
<> wrote:
>hi...i have a table which has about 100 cols and about 13000
>it has had problems updating...i kept getting timeout...i run queries from
>ASP is not any larger than other tables that work
>does however have several cols which are text datatype. if i was viewing
>the table in EM the updates would fail...when i closed the table view it
>usually there an explanation for this behaviour...
>the whole db is about 250MB on backup but when restored it is about 700
>including the transaction log...i thought the transaction log might be too
> has been set to grow as big as it there a way to get the
>db to update everything into the db files thus reducing the log to
>nothing?...this probably sounds ignorant to the experts out there, i am a
>developer who is also becoming a reluctant dba...
>thanks for any advice offered

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