Saturday, February 25, 2012

Database reindex

Took me ages to find the thread.
How do you bookmark it so i can go to it.
I have it set to Database maintenance plan optimizations set to regorganize
data and index pages
reorganize pages with the orginal amount of free space
Any ideas why its reporting 100%
That means ever time record insert its going to split
Why is it not taking the default fill factor in the tables.
Hi Tracey
That will depend on what newsreader client you are using. You can set
Outlook Express to only display message threads that you have participated
in, or you can search the technet discussion groups using (say) your email
address. Here is a link for the thread
The SQL Maint utility uses a value of 100 for the RebldIdx to specify that
you use the original values as this works on free space and not the
fillfactor. DBCC DBREINDEX uses 0 to maintain the current fill factors. You
can reindex specific indexes using this command to change the fill factor and
then use a maintenance plan or your own job to keep it (and all other
indexes) at their own level. Another method to restore the fillfactors would
be to drop and re-create the indexes if you already have scripts that for
their original definions. This would be the case if you use a source code
control system such as Visual Source Safe for you database code.
Having a fill factor of 100% is not necessarily a bad thing, if you have
table that contains very static data you may want to use 100% fill factor,
similarly if the table is being treated as an ISAM structure then a high fill
factor may be appropriate if you rarely update existing rows.
"TRACEY" wrote:

> Took me ages to find the thread.
> How do you bookmark it so i can go to it.
> I have it set to Database maintenance plan optimizations set to regorganize
> data and index pages
> reorganize pages with the orginal amount of free space
> Any ideas why its reporting 100%
> That means ever time record insert its going to split
> Why is it not taking the default fill factor in the tables.
> Thanks

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