Friday, February 17, 2012

Database permissions


In my web app I've got two databases (the asp profile one and my own custom one). If I take the code and data and use it to create another website on another box, I usually get a database error saying the permissions are wrong. In this case I usually just give everyone full control and it works, but this obviously isn't good practice!

So, I'm wondering what permissions on database files does ASP need? Which users need what permissions?


The most reliable way to move a SQL Server database and permissions is Backup and Restore all other methods sometimes will not move permissions so you have to go in and add those as needed. There are two permissions in SQL Server needed to run both are covered in the second thread and the first thread is a FAQ I created to help with moving SQL Server database from one computer to another. The permissions you give a user is at you discretion and that is covered under SQL Server object permissions in SQL Server BOL(books online). Hope this helps.



That's great thanks. The only problem is that my database is stored on a .mdf file and I cannot open it in MS SQL server management studio to change the database permissions. Is there a way around this?



That is not good practice so the SQL Server team have created a tutorial to help you connect your user instance to Management Studio when you do that you can go in and change the permissions. I would not advice you to give the everyone group full control but don't remove it from your folders either because is also a member of that group. Post again if you still have questions. Hope this helps.

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