Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Database Restore

If I make a database backup with the following command
backup database SkatingResults to SkatingResultsBackUp with skip, format,
DESCRIPTION='Skating Results Backup', MEDIADESCRIPTION='Disk File'
I am wanting to restore that database backup onto another computer.
Since the computer that I will be going will not be restoring to the same
locatin, I must use the "move" option of the restore.
Here is where I am confuse, what does my restore statement look like. The
example I saw in BOL says I should "Determine the number and names of the
files in the backup" by executing "RESTORE FILELISTONLY". The example of
the command is as follows:
FROM MyNwind_1
What is "MyNwind_1" - is this the "backup devise". The Backup Devise
points the computer to the actual backup file to work with?
Would I have use a statement like the following to establish the "Backup
exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'SkatingResultsBackUp', 'H:\Temp
Then I would place my backup file in this location and perform the "RESTORE
FILELISTONLY" and "RESTORE DATABASE". There is no need for me to restor
the transaction log if my database is empty?
Thanks inadvance for your assistance!!!!!!!!!!Jim
I am not sure what your back statement creates, since I have never used that syntax. I usually use this
Assuming it creates a disk file called SkatingResultsBackUp.bck or SkatingResultsBackUp.bak you can issue this command
replacing the path with your
The output of this command basically list what is in the sysfiles table
Assuming that you database consist of two files, 1 data and 1 log
Restore the database with this command
RESTORE DATABASE SkatingResults FROM DISK = 'D:\MSSQL7\BACKUP\SkatingResultsBackUp.bck
WITH MOVE 'SkatingResults_dat' TO 'D:\MSSQL\Data\SkatingResults_Data.mdf'
MOVE 'SkatingResults_log' TO 'D:\MSSQL\Data\SkatingResults_log.ldf
again replacing the paths with your

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